Park Sierra Wildlife

Often early or late in the day, deer can be seen moving silently through the park.
Often early or late in the day, deer can be seen moving silently through the park.
Seen throughout the park, cottontail rabbits think if they stay still then no one can see them.
Seen throughout the park, cottontail rabbits think if they stay still then no one can see them.
Always busy and entertaining, gray squirrels make Park Sierra trees their homes.
Always busy and entertaining, gray squirrels make Park Sierra trees their homes.
Look quick! Small lizards enjoy the sun but will quickly hide if people get too close.
Look quick! Small lizards enjoy the sun but will quickly hide if people get too close.
Field mice and wood rats are mostly harmless but can be a nuisance to stored vehicles.
Field mice and wood rats are mostly harmless but can be a nuisance to stored vehicles.
Smaller than coyotes, gray fox are shy and rarely seen but still consider our woodlands their habitat.
Smaller than coyotes, gray fox are shy and rarely seen but still consider our woodlands their habitat.
Another shy animal, opossums share Park Sierra's forests with our Members.
Another shy animal, opossums share Park Sierra’s forests with our Members.
Raccoons are known to visit our park in search of easy meals.
Raccoons are known to visit our park in search of easy meals.
Skunks are not often seen but do occasionally visit our park.
Skunks are not often seen but do occasionally visit our park.
Visitors, members and their pets need to stay alert for rattlesnakes during the warmer months.
Visitors, members and their pets need to stay alert for rattlesnakes during the warmer months.
In October you may see harmless male Tarantulas lumbering along Park pathways and roads in search of a mate.
In October you may see harmless male Tarantulas lumbering along Park pathways and roads in search of a mate.
Coyote - These small hunters are mostly heard, not seen, in woods surrounding the Park.  Visitors are cautioned to always make sure their pets are protected, especially at night.
Coyote – These small hunters are mostly heard, not seen, in woods surrounding the Park. Visitors are cautioned to always make sure their pets are protected, especially at night.
Bobcat sightings aren't rare as one might think.  These small hunters are occasional visitors, quick to retreat at the slightest sound or sight.
Bobcat sightings aren’t rare as one might think. These small hunters are occasional visitors, quick to retreat at the slightest sound or sight.
Cougar - Very rarely in Park history, these solitary hunters have been reported in the woods around Park Sierra
Cougar – Very rarely in Park history, these solitary hunters have been reported in the woods around Park Sierra
In over 25 years of Park Sierra history, tracks or other signs of brown bears have been reported a handful of times.
In over 25 years of Park Sierra history, tracks or other signs of brown bears have been reported a handful of times.
One of the Park's ubiquitous Gophers smiling for the camera!
One of the Park’s ubiquitous Gophers smiling for the camera!
Sierran Tree frogs can often be found in site plumbing weather boxes
Sierran Tree frogs can often be found in site plumbing weather boxes
Rare sighting of a Gilbert's Skink looking for a mate
Rare sighting of a Gilbert’s Skink looking for a mate
Wild turkeys are a common sight in the Spring.
Wild turkeys are a common sight in the Spring.


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