Wildflowers of the Sierras American (Birdseye) Speedwell Anemone Austrian Field Pea Baby Blue Eyes Bird’s Eye Gilia Bird’s-foot Trefoil Blue Dick Elegant Brodiaea Twining Brodiaea California Poppies Chinese Houses Chinese Houses (Color Variation) Chinese Houses (Color Variation) Elegant Clarkia Wine Cup Clarkia Common Madia Cream Cups Danny’s Skull Cap Fairy Lantern Farewell to Spring Fiddleneck (with ladybug) Flannel Bush Foothill Gilia Frying Pan Poppies Glassy Onion Glassy Onion Goldfields Harlequin Lupine Popcorn Flower Indian Pink Indian Warrior Ithuriel’s Spear Lace Pod Larkspur Laynes Monkey Flower Lupine Whorled Lupine Manzanita Blooms Meconella Monkey Flower Pallid Owl’s Clover Phaecelia Pretty Face Purple Nightshade Purple Owl’s Clover Purple Vetch Red Maids Scarlet Pimpernel Sedum Shooting Stars Sorrel Spiderwort Tidy Tips Tom Cat Clover True Baby Stars White-Tipped Clover Yerba Santa Woodland Violet Previous Next Photo Galleries