Login Assistance for Park Sierra Member Info/Forum Area

Click one of the brown buttons below to create or modify your Park of the Sierras Members Info/Forum Area login.  Complete the form displayed then click “Submit”.

Please be patient!  Response from the Website volunteers may be delayed by a few hours or more. We must verify the request is really from a Park Member.  Also, like most Park Sierra Members, we’re retired and RV’ers.  We may be on the road or generally enjoying retired life!

After verification, you will receive emails with your username, a temporary password and instructions to log on and modify your password to one that works for you. Log on, use the top menu to go to your Profile / Account page to change the temporary password.  Please create a reasonably secure password and write it down!

New Member Registration
New Park Sierra members need to REGISTER to create a login account in the Members Info/Forum Area.

The created login username is normally the member’s site and last name (e.g., 555Jones).  Couples should enter both first names (e.g., Tom and Mary). Couples desiring separate ids should fill out the form twice checking the “Include First Initial” box.  Each account must use a different email.

Forgot Password
Resetting a forgotten Member Info/Forum Area password is easy as A or B.

a) First Click Here to try resetting via the forum’s internal software.  This works but some members report receiving “expired request” or other errors. In that case, try step b.

b) Use the “Forgotten Password” button to request a new password.

Change Username

Members who have changed sites or otherwise require a name change can request a username change here.  The new username is normally the new site number followed by last name then optionally first initial (e.g. 555Jones).

Activate Member Login
Login accounts transferred from the old Members Forum to the new Members Info/Forum Area must be activated before first use. Only Park Sierra Members who were active on the old Members Forum need to do this. New members use New Member Registration.