Becoming a Member

Being a Volunteer

PIP – Partners in Participation

In the late 1980s, Park Sierra began as a cooperative venture by people like yourself who loved RVing and who wanted to create an Escapees RV park in the Sierra Nevada foothills. They fulfilled their dream by creating a most beautiful park—but not without contributing a lot of sweat equity.  Guess what?  Park Sierra continues to require sweat equity, not only for maintenance and improvement of the physical grounds but also for community building.

As a member, you are expected to find ways you can contribute to the community. You will not be alone in this daunting task because your PIP mentor can assist you in matching your skills, passions, and interests to the needs of the park.  Much of our work and community building is accomplished through committees, and your PIP mentor may also help you navigate the committee maze.

If you fall into that group of people who think they have no skills or nothing to contribute, think again.  Consider learning a new skill or sharing responsibility on a task with others.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q.  Do I have to work?
A.  As a member of Park Sierra you will sign an agreement to abide by the rules and bylaws. The bylaws state that each member contributes to the well being of the park while in the park.

Q.  Do I have to work every day?
A.  No.  Many jobs are periodic, seasonal, or on-going.

Q.  How do I participate when I’m traveling?
A.  Our bylaws require that we participate when we are in the park.  However some have found ways to contribute even while traveling.

Q.  Do I have to give up my membership if I am not willing to work?
A.  If you are unable or unwilling to participate in the operation of Park Sierra, this may not be the place for you.  Remember this is a private park for people who participate in its upkeep.

Q. Will I ever be able to sit back and relax?
A. Sure, there is plenty of time to relax.  Some members find working in the park relaxing.  Some find it stimulating.  Most have fun working with other members.  Both socializing and solitude find their times and places at Park Sierra.